Wednesday, March 04, 2009

15 Weeks - Belly Shot Chronicles

Another week gone by, and we have hit the 15 week mark. The belly continues to grow little by little. I still mostly look fat in clothing instead of pregnant, and this will contintue to be my theme for awhile it seems. I still say in another month that will probably change. I am definitely in maternity pants now. I could get away with my normal pants using the bella band to hold them up, but they are not nearly as comfortable as the maternity pants. I am opting for comfort, to be sure.

The naseau is still manageable at this point. It is no longer consistently all day, every day. Instead it comes in small waves at varying points throughout the day. Afternoons and evenings seem worse for that than mornings. I am hoping by week 17 that I am completely rid of the nausea. That would be lovely!

Only two weeks away from our next OB appointment, and only five weeks away from the ever-important anatomy scan where we will find out the gender of our little mini! I have set up a poll on the right hand side of the page...feel free to participate in the vote as to what you think we will be having. So far it is unanimous that everyone thinks we are having a girl...hmmmm...we will see!