Early morning RE appt. the day after Thanksgiving! It is nice because Matt has the day off and was able to go with me. The best news is that I had my regular RE today, and he was able to quickly locate both ovaries. I have at least 7 medium size follicles that are looking good, and at least 9 other follicles that have the ability to catch up. Dr. Van Deerlin feels that we will have a "good harvest". He is upping my Follistim dose in hopes of getting the smaller follicles to grow, grow, grow! Of course, I do not have enough meds to get me by...and the specialty pharmacy is "closed" today...so, I am hoping that we can still work out a delivery of my refills by Monday. That would certainly be nice! I am waiting to hear back from my IVF nurse to see what the protocol is in this situation. I am sure it will be fine.
I go back to the RE on Monday morning for more monitoring. We are getting closer. I will trigger in the first half of the week (probably) and should be having ER by the end of the week. This could all change on a day to day basis, though, so stay tuned!