Thursday, March 19, 2009

17 Week OB Update

I just got back from my 17 week OB appointment. Today I actually got to see a doctor! I saw Dr. Colella, and I really liked him. He was fun and social, which is always a plus. Anyway, he said that I look great, my weight is good, my uterus is measuring well, and the heartbeat was great. Overall, he said things were "awesome". I like to hear that! I only gained three pounds over the course of 4 weeks, so that was wonderful news. I am keeping this pregnancy weight gain mostly in check...which will help down the road for sure!

The best news from today is that we are scheduled for our 20 week ultrasound. Sadly, they were fully booked when they wanted to bring me my appointment had to be pushed over a weekend to a Monday. (SIGH...) I am sure we will live, though. The appointment is set for Monday, April 13th at 11:15am. Mark your calendars, because that is the day that we should be able to announce the sex of the baby. YAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY!!! I am sure that I will be impatiently trying to pass each day until that point in time...but what a joy I am sure that day will be!

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