Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Day of Few Words...

Pain? Better. Perfect? No. Me, happier? Yes. Ahhhhhhh.

Love the smell of man work on a Thursday morning...nothing like getting a nice shiny new attic fan to make a pregnant chick smile!

Tomorrow. 3D ultrasound. Still a girl? Let's hope so.


Megan said...

glad you're feeling better!!

M and M: said...

Thanks...sure beats the hell out of feeling worse! - Megan R.

Megan P said...

I have a question actually....I was reading about your pelvic bone pain and I have just begun having discomfort myself. I did some leg lifts the other day so it could be soreness from that, BUT when I walk for the last 2 days it has been very painful in the groin area. Where is your pain??

M and M: said...

Megan - I used to do leg lifts, walk every day, do stretches, etc. I originally thought my pain was from general soreness from working out and having a bigger belly to lug around. Not so. The pain just kept getting worse, and one night I found myself in tears just trying to roll over in bed. The pain is mostly in the area next to the pubic bone...where the pelvic bones meet. My pain is mostly on the right side. It does radiate out into my upper thigh, etc. It makes it hard to do anything involving lifting one leg or standing on one leg (putting on underwear is one example). The OB and orthopedic docs said there was nothing that could be done, and it would just get worse. Thank goodness I took the referral to the chiropractor...any relief is sooo worth it at this point. Hope your pain gets better!!!!! - Megan R.

M and M: said...

Megan - if you want more specifics on what the pain is SPD (symphysis pubic dysfunction) and pelvic pain in pregnancy. I found lots of great information that way! - Megan R.