Monday, June 01, 2009

Babymoon - Hiatus upon us

Everyone is well aware that following a wedding the happy couple heads off into paradise to celebrate there union on a honeymoon. Well, in a later stage of that union, that happy couple (who is now expecting their first child) tries to squeeze in a babymoon...or one last trip away prior to their lives being strangely and happily invaded. That time for THIS happy couple is right now!

Matt and I have had some variation of this trip planned for months. Over the course of time, those plans have morphed, shortened, and morphed again. What started out as a week away (with a couple of days spent with the inlaws in Maine...and then a couple of stops in Boston and NYC sans anyone else), has now become a brief trip that still involves meeting with the inlaws in Maine and then having an even more brief "layover" in NYC while on our way home. This layover is for us to take a break and have dinner at Bobby Flay's on our way home. Not too shabby! Hey, I really don't care. I am happy just to get a few days away with my husband. And, I am even happier to get some makeout time with some oh-so-lucsious lobster in Kennebunkport, ME. Ahem...excuse me for just a moment while I wipe the thick and glistening drool that is cascading down my chin.

All better.

Now, this babymoon probably means a hiatus from the blog for most of the week. For shame, right?!? However, the B&B in Maine does have, you never know when a post or pic might pop up. I would like to still try and get my weekly belly shot in on Wednesday, if possible. Life just wouldn't be the same without it, and I would truly hate to disrupt the order of my pregnant universe.


Megan P said...

Have so much fun!!

M and M: said...

Thanks, Megan! Fun has already ensued...if you count eating real / fresh lobster salad for dinner followed up by a scoop of Maine Tracks ice cream for dessert fun! Can you tell this trip has to do a lot with food???? How wonderful for a pregnant chick about to enter the third trimester!

OK, someone take the computer away from me already!

- Megan R.